The best supplements for menopause is an in-depth training covering everything you need to know about choosing the best supplements for you, your lifestyle and your symptoms.

But it's not just about 'popping pills' the video will walk you through which nutrients you need from your diet too.

You’ll learn why your body needs nourishing and how you can support it with specific vitamins, minerals and herbs as you go through the menopause transition.

Topics covered:

✶ Do you really need to use supplements or are they a waste of money?

Why you can’t always get what you need from diet alone

✶ How to know which one(s) you need for you and your body.

How to identify which of your body systems needs supporting first.

✶ Ideas for help with insomnia, low energy, hot flushes, bone support and anxiety/depression

✶ Which supplements can support your body if you cannot or choose not to use HRT.